Michelle took me out to this place she went with her co-workers for our 1 year last week. Good thing she knows there is nothing better than a juicy burger! Gotta give it to a girl who was a vegetarian up until this summer (eats chicken only now) taking the ol' ball and chain out to a Meat filled Man Burger Bar Meat restaurant. We coulda done that whole Italian dinner with wine and whatnot but this was much more delicious! 2 Thumbs Up and grinning from ear to ear.
Moral of the story. I got the Entourage Burger which is a meaty 10 oz burger in between 2 Grilled cheeses! Praise the heavens! I know Friendly's had a similar burger but I never got around to trying it. This thing was amazing. Top 3 burgers I've ever had. The only other burger I think I can readily throw into my top 3 would be the Double Burger from Shake Shack in the city/Citi Field.
Oh, and the fries came in a little mini deep fryer basket. Too Cool. Too Cool. Burgers sat around anywhere from $12-$15 but they are worth every dollar. And for those classy individuals, they have $2 Pabst Tall boys to accompany your sandwich. No big...