Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Trot 5k? Better make it 10k

I've become a little road racer over the last couple of years. 5 time John Carson runner and soon to be 2 time Thanks 4 Giving 10k runner. I did a little test run yesterday in hoped of seeing if I was able to hold a sub 7:00 minute a mile pace. I succeeded. Let's hope I can repeat this on Thursday. I wish New Ro wasn't so hilly but it seems both my home routes and New Ro trails have ridiculous hills in them.

Try this loop if you're in New Ro. If you finish at my house I'll give you a nutri grain bar and a pat on the back!

Maybe this year I can run the course correctly. I remember studying the course last year and I could have sworn that you had to go through the woods behind the Lowell Elks in order to continue past the 5k finish and on to complete the 10k. I was dead wrong. I ended up crossing the finish line and deactivating my timing chip. As I ran through the finish I noticed everyone was standing around in front of me looking tired and such. I quickly turned around and asked an official if this was the way for the 10k and he looked at me like I was an idiot and pointed towards the road I just turned off of. Hastily, I sprinted back onto the 10k course and beasted my way to a solid finish. According to race results I finished 57th out of 691 but that was only my 5k. I had another 5k to go after that. It also didn't help that there were ZERO signs instructing 10k runners to continue straight or the fact that a crowd had built up and was overflowing onto the race course.

Glory is won or lost on Pawtucket Blvd!

2009 5k results

I love the course too! It's a little uphill at the start and halfway points but it's a true hometown course. I grew up near the area and have run along the river since freshman year of high school when we used to do dreaded "Bridge-to-Bridge" runs for crew.

If I keep the pace I want to hold I'll finish in the top 20, Maybe somewhere around 16 or 17. Unless a bus from Kenya or local high school track team shows up unexpectedly. Gotta watch out for those 10k crashers with their natural African/Crazy white boy speed. Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

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